Justice Release

Idiosyncrasy is proud to announce the release of Justice.
I have been working on this skin for ages, named after my best friend Justice, with bits and pieces she has asked me for over the last few months, including new ears, a higher rez body and softer abs. The nose has been tweaked from the charity version of Justice to suit a wider variety of shapes. There are 3 sets of makeups,

justice 8am pale-blog
8am-Classic, daytime looks

justice 6pm tan-blog
6pm-Smoking hot nightime looks

justice 2am sun-blog
2am-Edgier looks, with kissed off lipstick and lots of smudgy eyeliner

What you won’t get:
Freckles, sorry she hates em 😛

What You will get with every makeup:
Light and dark brows
Cleavage options

Demos here.
❤ Ash

~ by Ashia Tomsen on December 9, 2009.

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